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  • Writer's pictureRocco

Bearing Fruit Takes Time

This phrase has been in so many of my conversations lately, "bear fruit". And now seeing it in my reading of January Book, it deserves attention.

1. I love me some fruit

2. I love being productive

3. Patience truly is a virtue with me...

As that person who wants immediate satisfaction with many things he does, the concept of patience seems counter intuitive. But now that I force myself to stop, think, and wait, this isn't a fluke. Prudence - ability to govern oneself with reason - takes on a whole new role in your life when you take the time to "bear fruit". It makes you focus on your God-given strengths and value to think critical, logically, reasonably on your actions. Your spirit moves you in the right direction, but you cannot feel it unless you grant the patience needed for prudence. #Patience4Prudence

I am going to have this little nugget of info whenever there is a need to step back, breathe and listen to my spirit moving within me.

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